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Last updated: January 16, 2024

Overview of notifications with webhooks

This guide describes how to integrate DQOps with external ticketing systems or send data quality incident notifications, for example to Microsoft Teams.


DQOps can send alert notifications whenever a new incident is created or modified.

An incident aggregates data quality issues based on different categories such as a table, data quality, dimension, check category, or check type. Thanks to the issue grouping the number of notifications is reduced. You can read more about incidents and their configuration here.

Notifications allow you to monitor data in real-time and receive alerts when active data quality checks exceed alerting thresholds.

A notification contains the most important information about an incident you may want to review in order to resolve an issue.

Configure notifications

You can use Webhooks to receive notifications for new data quality incidents or changes in the incident status.

To configure Webhooks, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data Sources section.
  2. Select the relevant data source.
  3. Select the Incidents And Notifications tab.
  4. Enter the Webhooks URL in the specified input fields and save your changes using the Save button.

Configuring webhooks

Types of webhooks configuration

Configuration of webhooks in DQOps platform can be done in two different ways.

First, is the default webhooks configuration available under Configuration menu. Second, is to configure webhooks on a connection level under the Notifications and Incidents tab.

DQOps uses both of them when preparing notifications. When the connection does not set the webhook link on it's level, the corresponding value from default webhooks is set (e.g. opened incident webhook value).

Content of notification message

An incident notification message contains complete information about the incident. In DQOps the notification is a message payload that is posted through an HTTP POST request to a notification endpoint. A payload has a JSON format with multiple fields that together create a message.

The fields of a JSON payload include the following:

Field name Description Type
incident_id The primary key that identifies each data quality incident. String
connection Connection name affected by a data quality incident. String
schema Schema name affected by a data quality incident. String
table Table name affected by a data quality incident. String
table_priority Table priority of the table that was affected by a data quality incident. Integer
incident_hash Data quality incident hash that identifies similar incidents on the same incident grouping level. Long
first_seen The UTC timestamp when the data quality incident was first seen. Datetime
last_seen The UTC timestamp when the data quality incident was last seen. Datetime
incident_until The UTC timestamp when the data quality incident is valid. Any failed data quality checks that occur before this date will be included in the incident, unless the incident status is changed to resolved. If a status is changed to resolved, a new failed data quality checks will create a new incident. Datetime
data_group_name The data group name that was affected by a data quality incident. String
quality_dimension The data quality dimension that was affected by a data quality incident. String
check_category The data quality check category that was affected by a data quality incident. String
highest_severity The highest severity of the failed check detected in this data quality incident. Possible values include warning, error and fatal. Integer
failed_checks_count The total number of failed data quality checks that were seen when the incident was raised for the first time. String
issue_url The link (URL) to a ticket in an external system that is tracking this incident. String
status Possible values for incident status include open, acknowledged, resolved and muted. String
text Notification text in Markdown format that contains the most important fields from the payload. String

The json object presents as below:

    "incident_id": "588af5cf-8ab9-a296-0af4-126772dbb2c7",
    "connection": "first-connection",
    "schema": "maven_restaurant_ratings",
    "table": "consumers",
    "incident_hash": 6380182093858185878,
    "first_seen": "2023-09-04T10:13:19.255Z",
    "last_seen": "2023-09-04T12:35:51.327Z",
    "incident_until": "2023-11-03T10:13:19.255Z",
    "quality_dimension": "Reasonableness",
    "check_category": "volume",
    "highest_severity": 3,
    "failed_checks_count": 10,
    "status": "acknowledged",
    "text": "> *The incident in <http://localhost:8888/sources/connection/first-connection/schema/maven_restaurant_ratings/table/consumers/detail|maven_restaurant_ratings.consumers> table has been acknowledged.* \n>  \n> *First seen*: 2023-09-04 12:13:19 (GTM+2) \n> *Last seen*: 2023-09-04 14:35:51 (GTM+2) \n> *Quality dimension*: Reasonableness \n> *Check category*: volume \n> *Highest severity*: fatal \n> *Total data quality issues*: 10 \n>  \n> <http://localhost:8888/incidents/first-connection/2023/9/588af5cf-8ab9-a296-0af4-126772dbb2c7| *View in DQOps*> \n"

Notification message statuses

Notification message can have the following status:

  • Open: This is the initial status of a new incident, which is automatically assigned by DQOps. The remaining statuses of the incidents (Acknowledged, Resolved, and Muted) have to be set manually. An open incident indicates that a data quality team together with the data owner or someone else responsible for identifying issues should take action to address the data quality issue. You can change an incident's status back to Open at any time.
  • Acknowledged: This status indicates that the incident has been acknowledged, and someone has begun to investigate the data quality issue. The Acknowledged status has to be manually marked in the Incident section. Usually, the data quality issues present at the data source level can be fixed by the data producer. Issues caused by a bug in the data pipeline or an ETL process should be fixed by the Data Engineering Team.
  • Resolved: This status indicates that the root cause of the issue has been identified and fixed. The resolved status has to be set manually in the Incident section.
  • Muted: This status hides the incident from your list. By default, any data quality issues associated with the incident will be muted for 60 days. If an incident is muted, DQO will not create a new one for 60 days. You can change the duration for muted incidents, by simply clicking the Configure button and changing the Incidents and Notifications settings. Muting the incident might be useful, when, for example, vendor’s data has been intentionally changed in comparison to the previous version.

Text field content and format

Payload's text field is built with the use of the following data:

  • Full table name: concatenated field from schema and table name.
  • Status: One of four resolution statuses (open, acknowledged, resolved and muted).
  • Datetimes of the incident: UTC date times with offset specific to local user setup. Values of JSON fields firstSeen and lastSeen.
  • Data quality dimension: Name of the dimension. Read more
  • Highest severity level: A severity level from the data quality rule. Read more
  • Total data quality issues: A value from failedChecksCount JSON field.
  • Links: Quick access links.


In the text field you can find links to:

  • incident: the "View in DQOps" link at the bottom of a message that redirects to the incident in the DQOps application.
  • full table name: the full table name present in the message header that leads to the table details in the DQOps application.
  • issue URL: a link to an external ticketing system. It is present when set manually on the incident. Check the External system linking section.

Markdown format

The text field uses elements of the Markdown language, which include:

  • Blockquotes: the > character in front of the paragraph
  • Emphasis (Bold): two asterisks ** around a word or phrase
  • Links: the format looks as < link | text >

If you would like to use formatted text for notification make sure your tool supports at least those elements of Markdown format.

Below is the example of raw text message in the Markdown language which you can test it in your tools:

> **The incident in <http://localhost:8888/sources/connection/your_connection_name/schema/your_schema_name/table/your_table_name/detail | your_schema_name.your_table_name> table has been acknowledged.**
> **First seen**: 2023-09-01 14:30:20 (GMT+2)
> **Last seen**: 2023-09-02 14:31:28 (GMT+2)
> **Quality dimension**: Reasonableness
> **Check category**: volume
> **Highest severity**: fatal
> **Total data quality issues**: 10
> **Table priority**: 2
> **Issue url**: < | LINK>
> <http://localhost:8888/incidents/your_connection_name/2023/9/1 | **View in DQOps**>

Linking incidents to external ticketing systems

A notification has a special field called issue URL, which allows user to add an URL from an external ticketing system. The issue URL can be added at any time. Adding an Issue URL to an incident provides easy access to the issue in the ticketing system.

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