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Last updated: January 18, 2024

Creating a custom data quality dashboard

Read this guide to learn how to create custom data quality dashboards with DQOps using Looker Studio, and how to grant access to your team and stakeholders.


With DQOps, you can use dashboards to visualize your results and simplify the detection of anomalies in your data. DQOps provides the tools for creating your own customized dashboard to house your data.

This guide will walk you through creating a dashboard in DQOps, starting with setting up an account in Looker Studio, granting the necessary permissions, authorizations, and finally copying the completed dashboard to add your data.

Create an account in Looker Studio

To begin using Looker Studio and creating dashboards, you will need a Looker Studio account. If you have a Google account with a Gmail or another address, you may use this account to log in to Looker Studio.

Alternatively, you can create a new account by visiting the Looker Studio website and clicking Use it for free. This will redirect you to the Looker Studio account creation panel where you can enter your details such as your name, surname, and date of birth. Once your account is created, log in to Looker Studio using the email address you provided

Signing in to Looker Studio

Grant permissions

After logging in to Looker Studio, open the DQOps application, go to the Data Quality Dashboards section, and select the dashboard that you want to modify. Once you have chosen your dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Looker Studio in the bottom right corner.

Looker Studio

You will be redirected to the Looker Studio dashboard, where you can edit the dashboard you selected. However, before you can edit, you need to grant all necessary accesses. To do this, click on the grant access icon located in the top right corner. This will allow you to access and copy the dashboard.

Grant access

If you receive a message that you do not have access, you should ask the owner to include our email address in the editor group.

Access for users and groups

An editor group is a group that can be set up for each Google account. The owner is responsible for granting access to the group members according to their roles. Once the owner adds your email address to the editor group, the grant access icon will disappear, and you can proceed with the configuration process.

Copy the dashboard

Our next step is to duplicate the dashboard and create a new one based on it. To do so, we need to click on the vertical three dots icon and select Make a copy.

Copying the dashboard

If this is your first time creating a dashboard, you need to complete your account setup by filling in your country and company name.

Complete the account settings - country and company

After setting the country and company, you need to select the consents. As shown in the image below, these consents include permission to receive tips and recommendations, product updates, etc. We should mark the consents that we feel are necessary.

Complete the account settings - permissions

After completing the account setup, select the vertical three dots icon and select Make a copy.

Copying the dashboard

Now, you should see a copy if the selected dashboard but without any data.

Authorize access to dashboard

After making a copy of the dashboard, how you need to authorize access to the data.

Dashboard with no data

Select Resources in the menu in the top and then select Manage added data sources.

Manage added data sources

This will take you to the editing panel where you can set the parameters. Click the Edit option to go through the subsequent authorization steps.

Edit dashboard parameters

Looker Studio requires authorization to connect to data, so click on the Authorize button. You will then be prompted to select the account you want to log in with - choose the Looker Studio account that you selected at the beginning. After that, select Authorize again and confirm access to the account by selecting Allow.

Authorize access to the account

On the screen with parameter settings, check the Allow "Enter DQOps API Key for Looker Studio" to be modified in reports option, enter the parameter value as 0, and click on the Reconnect button in the top right corner.


A pop-up window should appear asking Allow parameter sharing?. Select Allow to give permission for report editors to modify the parameter values.

Allow parameter sharing

Confirm connection changes by clicking Apply on a pop-up window that will appear.

Apply connection changes

Configure the data model

After confirmation, a screen will open where you can see the data model and parameters in the dashboard. The dashboard can use the check_results table as a source. Alternative, the sensor_results and other parquet tables replicated from the DQOps user home/.data folder to the DQOps Cloud Data Lake are available for querying.

The list of columns in these tables is described in the Parquet files references section for the check_results parquet table.

Looker studio data source columns for DQOps

To return to the dashboard view, click Done in the top right corner.

Set up dashboards parameters

DQOps user interface passes parameters to the dashboards. The most important parameter is ds0.token, which receives an access token to the DQOps Cloud Data Quality Data Warehouse.

To be able to modify the parameters on copied dashboard, select the Resources from the top menu and choose Manage report URL parameters.


All parameters must be marked as Allow to be modified in report URL, as they are used to create and maintain report view URLs. Afterward, select Close and return to the dashboard view.


It is also essential to specify who can edit the dashboard and who can only view it. To do this, click on Share, and a po-pup will appear in the top right-hand corner where you can add email addresses. Alternatively, create an editing group and add the employees' email address in the popup.

You have to ensure that the Link settings configuration allows Anyone on the internet with the link can view to have a Viewer permission. Otherwise, other users who were not directly granted access to the dashboards will not be able to use it. Despite that the access to the dashboard will be granted to everyone, the dashboard is usable only when DQOps uses interface passes the access token to access the DQOps Cloud Data Quality Data Warehouse.


Once you have completed the configuration steps, you can edit the dashboard and complete the dashboard according to your needs.

Get the embeddable dashboard url

DQOps shows the Looker Studio dashboards embedded in an IFRAME HTML element. Looker Studio dashboards cannot be embedded inside an IFRAME if the default dashboard url is copied from the browser when editing the dashboard. When using a non-embeddable dashboard url, the dashboard will not open correctly in DQOps.

Instead, you need to get the alternative, embeddable dashboard url. Go to the Looker Studio main menu and open the "File -> Embed report" screen shown below.

Get embeddable url from Looker Studio

You will need this embeddable url in the next step to add the dashboard to the dashboards list file.

Add the dashboard to DQOps

Finally, to make the dashboard visible, you need to add it to the dashboard list YAML configuration file in DQOps. The dashboard list is located in the settings/dashboardslist.dqodashboards.yaml file in the DQOps user home folder.

The file format of the dashboard list specification file is defined in the dashboards YAML reference documentation. When the dashboard's url is added to the dashboard list file, it will become visible in the user interface.

Open the settings/dashboardslist.dqodashboards.yaml file in the Visual Studio Code. An empty file should be present in the DQOps user home/settings folder that is initialized when DQOps is started for the first time.

The example below shows the default configuration of all DQOps built-in dashboards. The file can be found in GitHub.

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
apiVersion: dqo/v1
kind: dashboards

- folder_name: Profiling # (1)!
    - folder_name: Table profiling status # (2)!
        - dashboard_name: Table profiling status per data quality dimension # (3)!
          url: # (4)!
          width: 1400 # (5)!
          height: 1400
          parameters: # (6)!
            ds0.token: '%DQO_CLOUD_TOKEN%'
            ds0.p_check_type: profiling
            ds0.p_quality_dimension: all
            ds0.p_check_category: all
        - dashboard_name: Table profiling status per check category
          width: 1400
          height: 1400
            ds0.token: '%DQO_CLOUD_TOKEN%'
            ds0.p_check_type: profiling
            ds0.p_quality_dimension: all
            ds0.p_check_category: all
        - dashboard_name: Column profiling status per data quality dimension
          width: 1400
          height: 1760
            ds0.token: '%DQO_CLOUD_TOKEN%'
            ds0.p_check_type: profiling
            ds0.p_quality_dimension: all
            ds0.p_check_category: all
        - dashboard_name: Column profiling status per check category
          width: 1400
          height: 1760
            ds0.token: '%DQO_CLOUD_TOKEN%'
            ds0.p_check_type: profiling
            ds0.p_quality_dimension: all
            ds0.p_check_category: all
  1. Folder name: Main folder which may contain subfolders
  2. Folder name: The subfolder where we put the dashboards
  3. Dashboard name: The name of the dashboard that will be visible in the application
  4. URL: The URL of a given dashboard, it must be the embeddable url identified by the "embed" element in the url
  5. Size: The size of the dashboard, which is set in Looker Studio in the Theme and Layout section
  6. Parameters: List of parameters that we pass to the dashboard. We must pass the ds0.token parameter to access the private DQOps Cloud Data Quality Data Warehouse.

The dashboards are organized into folders. The maximum folder nesting level supported by DQOps is 5 folders deep. Each dashboard in the tree has the following elements:

  • dashboard_name is the name that is shown in the Data Quality Dashboards section in the user interface
  • url is the url to the Looker Studio dashboard, it must be a special url allowed for embedding inside an IFRAME HTML element. Urls to embeddable dashboards have an additional "embed/" section in the URL just after the base url.

As you can see below, the spec node contains an array of folders. Each folder is identified by a folder_name field with the name of the folder in the tree. Just below the first folder named Profiling, you will see a folders node that is a container of nested subfolder.

A folder node has three types of child elements:

  • folder_name stores the name of the folder
  • folders is a list (array) of nested subfolders, each nested folder has the same structure and must have a folder_name element
  • dashboards is a list of dashboards stored in the folder

When editing the dashboard list YAML file, please be very careful about maintaining correct indentations in the file. If the file is corrupted, the Dashboards screen will be empty in the DQOps user interface. Any errors will be reported to the local DQOps user home/.logs logging folder. DQOps will report the exact file location (line and column) where the issue was found while reading the dashboard list file.

A single dashboard has the following structure:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
apiVersion: dqo/v1
kind: dashboards
- folder_name: Profiling
    - folder_name: Table profiling status
        - dashboard_name: Table profiling status per data quality dimension # (1)!
          url: # (2)!
          width: 1400 # (3)!
          height: 1400 # (4)!
          parameters: # (5)!
            ds0.token: '%DQO_CLOUD_TOKEN%' # (6)!
            ds0.p_check_type: profiling # (7)!
            ds0.p_quality_dimension: all
            ds0.p_check_category: all
  1. The dashboard's name.
  2. The url to the embeddable version of the Looker Studio dashboard.
  3. The width of the dashboard.
  4. The height of the dashboard.
  5. The container of parameters that are passed to the dashboard by encoding them in the dashboard's url.
  6. The required DQOps Cloud access key used to access the data quality data warehouse. It must be a '%DQO_CLOUD_TOKEN%' token.
  7. Additional, report specific parameters.

The elements of a dashboard node are:

  • dashboard_name is the name of the dashboard that will be shown in the DQOps user interface, it does not need to be the same as the dashboard name defined in Looker Studio

  • url stores the embeddable dashboard url that you should now copy from the Embed report screen shown in the Getting the embeddable dashboard url section

  • width and height are the width and height of the dashboard which is set in Looker Studio in the Theme and Layout section

  • parameters are the names of parameters passed in an encoded format as parameters appended to the dashboard. Please notice that all the parameters share the same ds0. prefix which is the prefix for the data source in Looker Studio. Parameters in Looker Studio that can be passed in the url are defined at a data source level, that is why they use this prefix. If your dashboard uses multiple connections to the DQOps Cloud Data Quality Data Warehouse to access or blend different tables, you must pass the ds0.token: '%DQO_CLOUD_TOKEN%' parameter using the prefix of each data source.

  • ds0.token is a special parameter that is used by the DQOps Cloud Looker Studio Community Connector to pass a special DQOps Cloud Looker Studio authentication token used by the connector to request a real authentication token for BigQuery. Use the default '%DQO_CLOUD_TOKEN%' value which is replaced with the token when DQOps builds the final dashboard url.

After completing the yaml file with the list of dashboards, save the changes. Your dashboard will be visible in the Data Quality Dashboards section in the DQOps user interface.

Change built-in dashboards

If any of the DQOps built-in dashboard does not serve your purpose and you need to change the layout, reorder the filters or add new sections, simply make a copy of the dashboard following this manual up to the section of Adding the dashboard to DQOps.

Copy the whole folder tree where the dashboard is found from the default dashboard list file available on GitHub. Remove all folders and dashboards that will not be modified. Keep only the dashboard that will be replaced and a full folder path leading to this dashboard.

Then, replace the dashboard's url with the new Looker Studio embeddable report url of your version of the dashboard and update the width and height parameters if they changed. In order to effectively override a built-in dashboard, all the folder names in the folder_name elements and the dashboard name specified in the dashboard_name element be the same as the overwritten built-in dashboard. When the file is saved and the DQOps Data Quality Dashboards screen is refreshed in the browser, your version of the dashboard will be shown instead.

Dashboard sample data

While editing the dashboard in Looker Studio, you will see sample data that does not match the data in your DQOps Cloud Data Quality Data Warehouse. The connection names will be different. Only a few tables will be registered.

The data that is provided to Looker Studio by the DQOps Looker Studio Community Connector uses a complimentary demo data quality data warehouse provided by DQOps for testing purposes. In order to use your real data quality results, you have to set the default value of the ds0.token parameter to the value of the DQOps Cloud Looker Studio Community Connector API Key shown on the screen in the DQOps Cloud account management interface. The ds0.token parameter must be changed back to 0 before publishing the report. Otherwise, a report available for any user who knows the report url will be accessible to anybody, allowing to see your private data.

The DQOps Cloud Looker Studio Community Connector API Key is available only for paid customers of DQOps.

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