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Last updated: April 09, 2024

Download DQOps using PIP

This guide shows how to quickly download DQOps from PyPi, and start a local development instance to analyze data quality or use the DQOps Client.


DQOps is available as a Python package dqops. This package contains a bootstrapper that will download a full DQOps distribution from DQO GitHub and install a Java JRE 17 in a version specific to the current platform. DQOps runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS. Both x64 and arm8 platforms are supported.

Running DQOps as a server

DQOps python package is a quick option to run a local, non-production instance. Please choose a Docker distribution to run DQOps as a long-running production instance that can monitor the data quality at all times.


To use DQOps you need:

  • Python version 3.8 or greater (for details see Python's documentation and download sites).

    To confirm that you have Python installed run the following command

    python --version

    To view the Python 3 version, run python3 --version instead.

  • Ability to install Python packages with pip.

    To confirm that you have pip installed run the following command

    pip --version

    Current version of pip should be displayed.


DQOps is available on PyPi repository.

  1. Create an empty folder where you want to create your DQOps User Home. DQOps User Home is a folder where DQOps will store the metadata of imported data sources, the configuration of activated data quality checks, and the data quality results.

    Starting DQOps in an empty folder is required

    Please do not go directly to the next step. First, create an empty folder, then change the current folder to this new new directory that we are calling DQOps User Home. During the first run, DQOps will create the folder structure described in the DQOps user home folder concept, creating DQOps files in an empty folder is advised.

    mkdir dqouserhome
    cd dqouserhome
  2. Open a terminal, change the current folder to the created directory, and install DQOps via pip manager

    python -m pip install --user dqops

    Upgrading already installed DQOps package

    If you already have the dqops package installed in an earlier version, you can upgrade it to the most recent version using a --upgrade parameter as shown below.

    python -m pip install --upgrade --user dqops
  3. Verify if the installation was successful.

    You should see a message that confirms a successful installation of the dqops package.

    Successfully installed dqops-1.1.0

    If you see additional two warning (shown in yellow on Microsoft Windows) that the default location where scripts are added is not included in the PATH environment variable, copy the path shown in the window (it was C:\Users\<yourlogin>\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\Scripts it the example below), and add it to the default $PATH environment variable. After changing the environment variables, you will need to open a new Command Prompt window that uses the new configuration.

    WARNING: The script dqo.exe is installed in 'C:\Users\<yourlogin>\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\Scripts' which is not on PATH.
    Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
    Successfully installed dqops-1.1.0

    After adding the Python's Scrips folder to the path, you will be able to run DQOps simply by typing dqo from the command line.

Solving certificate issues

You may receive an issue that the dqops package was not found, as shown below.

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dqops (from version: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for dqops

The problem is related to an outdated configuration of root certificates that are bundled with Python. Use the following command to add the host names of download locations to the list of trusted hosts.

python -m pip config set global.trusted-host ""

After adding the PyPi host names to the list of trusted locations, repeat the installation from the 2. step.

Start DQOps application

  1. Run DQOps to finalize the installation. This process may take some time as the DQOps package must download a full DQOps distribution (~400 MB zip file) and install Java JRE 17 during the first start.

    python -m dqops

    DQOps will download the full DQOps release package from GitHub, or some alternative mirrors.

    When the download of the DQOps distribution starts (a ~400MB zip file), you should see the progress.

    dqops starts downloading full distribution

    After the distribution is downloaded and unzipped, DQOps will also download and install Java JRE 17. Once it is done, you should see the following screen.

    dqops finishes downloading full distribution

    In case that download stops due to network issues, DQOps will retry the download, or use an alternative mirror.

    Start DQOps using a startup script

    DQOps package registers also a dqo script on the PATH. You can start DQOps simply by running a dqo command, if the Python location is correctly configured on the PATH environment variable.

    If you are lucky to have a proper Python installation, you can start DQOps simply from the command line as shown below.

    c:\users\<yourlogin>\dqouserhome> dqo
    /home/<yourlogin>/dqouserhome$ dqo
  2. Initialize DQOps DQOps User Home folder.

    After installation, you will be asked whether to initialize the DQOps DQOps User Home folder in the default location. Type Y to initialize the folder content.
    The DQOps User Home folder locally stores data such as sensor readouts and checkout results, as well as data source configurations. Read the DQOps user home folder concept to learn more.

    Initializing DQOps user home folder

  3. Login to DQOps Cloud.

    To use all DQOps features, such as storing data quality definitions and results in the cloud and the data quality dashboards, you must create a DQOps Cloud account.

    Once the DQOps user home folder is initialized, DQOps will ask you to log in to your DQOps Cloud account.

    Log in to DQOps Cloud

    After typing Y, you will be redirected to, where you can create a new account, use Google single sign-on (SSO) or log in if you already have an account.

    During the first registration, your DQOps Cloud pairing API key will be generated and automatically retrieved by DQOPS application. The API Key is now stored in the configuration file. You can close the browser window that shows your account. Since now on, your local DQOps instance is fully functional and can work mostly offline.

    DQOps API Key retrieved

  4. Open the DQOps User Interface Console in your browser by CTRL-clicking on the link displayed on the command line (for example http://localhost:8888) or by copying the link. You will see the welcome screen as shown below.

    DQOps user interface

What's next

  • Read the installation manual of starting DQOps as a docker container, which is a preferred way to run DQOps in production mode, allowing other users and stakeholders to access the platform.