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Last updated: April 09, 2024

How to detect data quality issues with data grouping

This guide shows how DQOps uses a GROUP BY clause in SQL queries to analyze the quality of data from multiple sources aggregated into a single table.


DQOps has a unique feature of detecting data quality issues for different data streams (we call them data groups), that are aggregated in a single table. If your tables aggregate data from different data sources, different vendors, platforms, departments, or countries, this concept guide shows how to configure DQOps to use a GROUP BY clause in SQL queries to detect data quality issues in each data group.

If a data quality issue is detected for one data group (let's say it is a country), you can identify that country, and follow up with the data owner from the country that provided corrupted data.

Configuring data grouping from the DQOps user interface

This guide describes the internals of data grouping, and how to configure it in DQOps YAML files. Follow the set up data grouping manual to see how to use the user interface to configure data grouping.

How does data grouping work?

When a new data source's metadata is imported into DQOps and the first data quality checks are activated, the checks will analyze the whole table. The data quality check will capture one metric (using a data quality sensor, that is an SQL query). Then, that single data quality sensor readout (the captured metric) is evaluated through the rule engine, which will result in creating a data quality rule result that is valid (no data quality issue detected) or is a data quality issue, ranked at three severity levels: warning, error or fatal.

A single data quality rule result for a whole table is not always the best solution. The data in the table is often coming from different data sources, different vendors, or is loaded by different data pipelines. When the data in the table comes from different sources, the source is usually identified by a value in dedicated discriminator columns. The typical discriminator columns are country, business unit, cost center, vendor, data provider, supplier, or subsidiary.

In order to analyze each group of rows, DQOps runs SQL queries on the monitored data sources using a GROUP BY clause in the query. A data quality check that counts the percentage of null values in a column would return multiple values. Each row returned from the query is evaluated through the rule engine separately.

Here is an example of an SQL query that DQOps will generate to count the percentage of null values in an analyzed column for each country. The following example assumes that there is a country column in the monitored table, and we want to analyze the data for each country separately.

        WHEN COUNT(*) = 0 THEN 100.0
        ELSE 100.0 * SUM(
                WHEN analyzed_table."target_column" IS NULL THEN 1
                ELSE 0
        ) / COUNT(*)
    END AS actual_value,
    analyzed_table."country" AS grouping_level_1
FROM "your_postgresql_database"."public"."analyzed_table" AS analyzed_table
GROUP BY grouping_level_1
ORDER BY grouping_level_1

The result set returned by the SQL query above is shown below.

actual_value grouping_level_1
31.4% US
58.2% UK
55.1% DE
56.7% IT

DQOps will store all results in the sensor_readout parquet table. Each sensor readout will be verified by a data quality rule, generating a data quality check result for each data group returned by the query.

In order to avoid storing too many data quality results in the DQOps Cloud Data Warehouse, DQOps captures only the first 1000 results. When the query returns more than 1000 rows, DQOps will cancel the query and return an error. The behavior can be changed using the configuration parameter, which will disable the error. DQOps will compare only the first 1000 data groups between the tested table and the reference table, silently discarding the remaining rows (data groups).

The columns used for data grouping should be selected with care, knowing that using columns with too many distinct values (more than 1000) will cause result set truncation. At best, the column used for grouping should identify different data sources or different business areas.

Grouping data at multiple levels

DQOps can also analyze data at multiple dimensions, for example, when the data is divided both by country and state. Additional columns used for data grouping are added to the GROUP BY clause as shown in the following query.

        WHEN COUNT(*) = 0 THEN 100.0
        ELSE 100.0 * SUM(
                WHEN analyzed_table."target_column" IS NULL THEN 1
                ELSE 0
        ) / COUNT(*)
    END AS actual_value,
    analyzed_table."country" AS grouping_level_1,
    analyzed_table."state" AS grouping_level_2
FROM "your_postgresql_database"."public"."analyzed_table" AS analyzed_table
GROUP BY grouping_level_1, grouping_level_2
ORDER BY grouping_level_1, grouping_level_2

The result set returned by the SQL query above is shown below.

actual_value grouping_level_1 grouping_level_2
37.4% US CA
52.1% US NY
44.2% US WA

DQOps supports setting up to 9 different data grouping dimensions (levels).

Configuring data grouping

Data grouping is configured for each table in the .dqotable.yaml files as shown in the example below.

apiVersion: dqo/v1
kind: table
    daily_partitioning_recent_days: 7
    monthly_partitioning_recent_months: 1
  default_grouping_name: group_by_country_and_state # (1)!
  groupings: # (2)!
    group_by_country_and_state: # (3)!
      level_1: # (4)!
        source: column_value # (5)!
        column: country # (6)!
      level_2: # (7)!
        source: column_value
        column: state
        column_type: INT64
        nullable: true
        column_type: STRING
        nullable: true
        column_type: STRING
        nullable: true
  1. The default_grouping_name field stores the name of the active data grouping configuration that is applied to data quality checks.

  2. The grouping node is a dictionary of named data grouping configurations. One of the named configurations is selected in the default_grouping_name field.

  3. The configuration of one example data grouping, named group_by_country_and_state in this example.

  4. The configuration of the first column used for grouping.

  5. The source field identifies the data source for data grouping. Supported values are column_value when the grouping value should be captured from the data in the monitored table, by adding a GROUP BY condition. Or tag, when a hardcoded value should be applied on all results.

  6. The name of the column that is added to the GROUP BY clause for dynamic grouping by row values.

  7. The configuration for the second grouping level. Additional grouping levels are level_2, ..., level_9.

Each table can have multiple named configuration of data groupings that are defined in the groupings dictionary node. The active data grouping that is applied on data quality checks is selected in the default_grouping_name field.

Each named data grouping configuration contains the configuration of up to 9 data grouping levels, but not all levels must be configured. The configuration of each data grouping level is defined in the level_2, ..., level_9 nodes.

For each data grouping level, the source of values used for data grouping must be selected. The supported values for the source field are:

  • column_value - the data grouping level is dynamic, the data grouping value is captured from the monitored table by adding the column to the GROUP BY clause. The name of the column is provided in the column field.

  • tag - the data grouping level is static, assigning the same hardcoded data grouping value to all data quality results (sensor readouts, data quality check results). Tagging is used for grouping the results of similar tables, especially for calculating data quality KPIs for different data areas, data pipelines, or data sources.

Grouping by calculated columns

Virtual columns that are defined as SQL expressions (calculated columns) can also be used for dynamic grouping. This complex scenario can be used to run data quality checks on unstructured data in the landing zone of the data warehouse.

The calculated column must be defined under the columns node. Once the calculated column is defined, it can be referenced in the column field inside the data grouping level configuration (level_1, ...).

apiVersion: dqo/v1
kind: table
    daily_partitioning_recent_days: 7
    monthly_partitioning_recent_months: 1
  default_grouping_name: by_type_code
        source: column_value
        column: country # (1)!
        column_type: INT64
        nullable: true
    event_type_code: # (2)!
        column_type: STRING
        nullable: true
      sql_expression: "CASE WHEN SPLIT({alias}.message, '|')[0] = 'EVN' THEN SPLIT({alias}.message, '|')[1] ELSE NULL END" # (3)!
  1. The name of the calculated column.

  2. The configuration of the calculated column.

  3. The formula of the calculated column, an SQL expression.

Grouping similar tables

DQOps can support a scenario where the data warehouse has similar tables with the same schema that contain data from different data sources. In this case, the data quality results captured from those tables can be tagged by the name of the data source, external vendor, or department.

When the results are tagged, the values will be stored in the sensor readout and rule result tables, while keeping the data group names. The data quality dashboards in DQOps always have a filter for data group, which allows deep-diving into data quality issues related to that source, or the data suppliers.

Tagging data quality results becomes even more important when combined with data quality KPIs, because a separate data quality KPI score can be calculated for each data supplier, vendor, department, or any other data area.

The tags are defined under the level_1, ..., level_9 nodes as shown below.

apiVersion: dqo/v1
kind: table
    daily_partitioning_recent_days: 7
    monthly_partitioning_recent_months: 1
  default_grouping_name: by_supplier
        source: tag # (1)!
        tag: US # (2)!
        source: tag
        tag: "Supplier, Inc."
        column_type: INT64
        nullable: true
  1. The source value must be "tag".

  2. The tag node contains a constant value.

DQOps also supports mixing dynamic dimensions (using a column value added to the GROUP BY clause), and static tags.

apiVersion: dqo/v1
kind: table
    daily_partitioning_recent_days: 7
    monthly_partitioning_recent_months: 1
  default_grouping_name: by_supplier
        source: tag
        tag: US
        source: column_value
        column: state
        column_type: STRING
        nullable: false

Data grouping as a time series

DQOps treats all data quality sensor readouts (metrics) and all data quality check results (rule evaluation results) as time series. Suppose that a table contains data from two countries and each group of data is identified by the value of the country column value. The user activated a daily_row_count check on the table. DQOps will track the row count time series for both countries, allowing to detect anomalies or missing data for only one country. Detecting data quality issues that are related to a single data source is crucial for the root cause analysis and allows to contact the right person, responsible for providing the data from that data grouping (the country in this example).

When a data quality issue is identified (a data quality check's rule raised an alert), DQOps can be configured to create either one data quality incident for the whole table (without identification of the data group) or for each group of data (the country in this example) as a separate data quality incident.

The data quality dashboards in DQOps have a configuration parameter to select the data grouping for which we want to find the most recent data quality issues or calculate the data quality KPI. The data quality KPI scores calculated for each data source (data grouping) simplify the root cause analysis by linking the data quality issue to the data source, data group, external data supplier, data provider, or simply a separate data pipeline that has loaded incorrect data.

Configuring data grouping in the user interface

In DQOps, you can set up data grouping globally for all tables in the connection or individually for each table. You can set up data grouping in the Data Sources section by clicking on the connection or individual table in the tree and selecting Data Grouping tab. It is also important to mention that the configuration of data grouping on the connection level is only a template of the default grouping configuration that is copied to tables that are imported. When a table was already imported into DQOps, changing the configuration on the connection level has no effect.

For more detailed information on setting up a data grouping, go to the Working with DQOps section.

How DQOps stores data grouping results?

DQOps stores the data in Parquet files. The format of parquet files for the sensor readout (.data/sensor_readouts/) and the check results (.data/check_results/) are documented in the reference section.

The columns that identify the data groups are:

  • data_grouping_configuration - the name of the data grouping configuration that is configured on the table level and was used to run the data quality checks. When no grouping configuration is configured, the default grouping configuration is named default.

  • grouping_level_X - 9 columns grouping_level_1, grouping_level_2, ..., grouping_level_9 that contain the values for each data group dimension.

  • data_group_name - generated data group name that is a concatenation of the values from the grouping_level_X columns. The format of the group name when one or more grouping dimensions are defined is: [grouping_level_1] / [grouping_level_2] / (...). When the data grouping is not configured (or the grouping has no dimensions), the default data group name for a whole table is all data.

  • data_group_hash - unique hash code (64-bit long integer) calculated by hashing the values of all grouping dimension columns grouping_level_1, grouping_level_2, ..., grouping_level_9. The data group hash identifies each grouping. DQOps will calculate the same data group hash for the data quality sensor readouts and the data quality check results for every table, as long as all the grouping_level_X columns contain the same data. When the data groupings from a source table (a table in the staging zone) share the same data group hash as the downstream table, it is possible to perform data comparison across different tables and different data sources.

  • time_series_id - a unique identifier that identifies every time series of check results and sensor readouts for each table, column, check, and data group.

Integration of partition checks with data grouping

Partition checks can also analyze partitions with grouping rows by additional dimensions within each date partition. Because both partition checks and data grouping by columns depend on adding all columns to the GROUP BY clause, DQOps groups rows both by the date partitioning column and the columns used for data grouping.

The following SQL query shows how DQOps applies grouping by the grouping column and the partition date.

        WHEN COUNT(*) = 0 THEN 100.0
        ELSE 100.0 * SUM(
                WHEN analyzed_table."target_column"
                    THEN 1
                ELSE 0
        ) / COUNT(*)
    END AS actual_value,
    analyzed_table."country" AS grouping_level_1,
    CAST(analyzed_table."date_column" AS date) AS time_period,
    CAST((CAST(analyzed_table."date_column" AS date)) AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) AS time_period_utc
FROM "your_postgresql_database"."<target_schema>"."<target_table>" AS analyzed_table
GROUP BY grouping_level_1, time_period, time_period_utc
ORDER BY grouping_level_1, time_period, time_period_utc

The results of this query collect data quality scores for each day and country separately and allow accurate identification of the source of the data quality issue.

time_period US UK DE
2023-10-04 96.4% 94.2% 95.2%
2023-10-05 95.3% 94.7% 95.6%
2023-10-05 93.9% 96.4% 96.2%
2023-10-07 94.8% 94.9% 95.4%
2023-10-08 94.7% 0% 95.2%

Review data groups on dashboards

DQOps has multiple built-in data quality dashboards that allows you to view and filter data quality issues for different data groups.

Below is an example of Current table status dashboard showing grouping by different product categories.

Data grouping on current table status dashboard.png

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