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Last updated: April 09, 2024

Data quality incident management, grouping and notifications

This guide shows how DQOps correlates similar data quality issues into data quality incidents, and how the incident notification workflow works.

What is a data quality incident?

DQOps distinguishes data quality issues from data quality incidents. Because DQOps detects new data quality issues by monitoring the data sources in regular intervals, the same issues will be detected until the root cause is not fixed. Additionally, because DQOps supports hundreds of data quality checks, there are a lot of possible positive and false-positive checks that can detect data quality issues. Some data quality issues may be expected because data quality checks have not been disabled on a table that was decommissioned. Other issues are caused by planned maintenance events.

In order to avoid flooding the support team with a lot of data quality issues to resolve, DQOps implements grouping of similar data quality issues into data quality incidents. The difference between a data quality issue and data quality incident is described below.

  • A data quality issue is a single data quality check result that was not accepted by a data quality rule, and was assigned a severity rule, which is one of warning, error or fatal. Data quality issues are stored in the check_results parquet table. The data quality issues can be counted on the data quality dashboards for counting issues. The percentage of data quality issues within the total number of data quality checks performed is also used to measure the overall quality of data by calculating the data quality KPIs.

  • A data quality incident is a group of similar data quality issues that share the same properties. When the first data quality issue is identified that does not match any active incident, a new data quality incident is created and the issue is associated with it. DQOps stores the incidents in the incidents parquet table.

    Data quality incidents are assigned to the support and engineering teams for assessment and resolution.

Incident workflow

The data quality incident management workflow is shown on the following diagram.

Incident workflow

The following statuses are used in the data quality incident workflow.

  • Open for a new incident that was just detected because a new data quality issue (failed data quality check) was identified, and it did not match any other open, acknowledged or muted incident. These issues should be managed by the 2nd level support team or the data quality team. The issues must be first reviewed and assessed.
  • Acknowledged is the next status that is assigned by the 2nd level support when the data quality issue is confirmed and is assigned to the 3rd level support team to be resolved.
  • Resolved is the status assigned by the 3rd level support team when the issue is solved. The data quality team may subscribe to notifications when the acknowledged issues are assigned
  • Muted is the status assigned to false-positive issues, issues that have low impact, or issues that cannot be solved, and it was conditionally accepted. DQOps will keep detecting data quality issues matching this incident. New incidents will be assigned to the muted incident for the next 60 days. The incident mute time window is configurable on a table level.

Grouping issues into incidents

The data quality issue grouping is configured on a connection level a shown on the Incidents and Notifications screen below.

Incidents And Notifications tab

The following grouping levels are supported:

  • Table
  • Table and data quality dimension
  • Table, data quality dimension and check category
  • Table, data quality dimension, check category and check type
  • Table, data quality dimension, check category and check name

By default, DQOps groups issues by the table where the issue was identified, the data quality dimension, and a data quality check category that mostly groups the check by the type of column or a way how the check is implemented.

It is also possible to raise data quality incidents only for error and fatal or only fatal severity issues. The default configuration assigned to each data source will create a data quality incident for all data quality issues, including warning severity issues. The warning severity issues include also many anomaly detection checks that are sensitive and may raise unexpected issues that will engage the support team. An alternative method of managing warning severity issues is to increase the minimum severity level for raising incidents to error, and use the current table status dashboards to review warnings.

DQOps performs mapping of groups of data quality issues to an incident by calculating a hash code of all the selected issue grouping components. The incident hash code is stored in the incident_hash column in the check_results parquet table. For every new data quality issue detected, DQOps searches for an open data quality incident with the same incident hash code. When a matching incident is found that is not yet in the resolved status, DQOps will increase the last_seen column value in the incidents table. All data quality issues that were detected between the first_seen and the last_seen timestamps are considered as assigned to the same incident.

The following diagram shows how different data quality issues were grouped into three data quality incidents, using grouping by table, data quality dimension, and a check category.

graph LR
  ISSUE[Data quality issue]:::issue --> INCIDENT[Data quality incident]:::incident;
  IS1[<strong>public.dim_customer</strong><br/>dimension: Validity<br/>category: strings<br/>column: city<br/>check: daily_string_min_length]:::issue --> |New incident created| IN1(<strong>public.dim_customer</strong><br/>dimension: Validity<br/>category: strings):::incident;
  IS2[<strong>public.dim_customer</strong><br/>dimension: Validity<br/>category: strings<br/>column: city<br/>check: daily_string_max_length]:::issue --> |Attach| IN1;
  IS3[<strong>public.dim_customer</strong><br/>dimension: Completeness<br/>category: nulls<br/>column: city<br/>check: daily_null_percent]:::issue --> |New incident created| IN2(<strong>public.dim_customer</strong><br/>dimension: Completeness<br/>category: nulls):::incident;
  IS4[<strong>public.dim_customer</strong><br/>dimension: Completeness<br/>category: nulls<br/>column: city<br/>check: daily_null_count]:::issue --> |Attach| IN2;
  IS5[<strong>public.dim_product</strong><br/>dimension: Completeness<br/>category: nulls<br/>column: type<br/>check: daily_null_percent]:::issue --> |New incident created| IN3(<strong>public.dim_product</strong><br/>dimension: Completeness<br/>category: nulls):::incident;
  classDef issue fill:#f96;
  classDef incident fill:#c88;

Incident duration

If a data quality incident is open for more than 60 days since the first matching data quality issue was detected, DQOps will create yet another incident and the new data quality issues will be associated with the new incident. This time window is configurable on the connection configuration screen shown above. A different time window for matching new issues to incidents is configured for Muted incidents that were confirmed, but the support team decided that they will not be resolved.

Incident management

The list of incidents is shown in the Incidents section of the DQOps user interface. The incident review begins on the incident list screen shown below.

Data quality incident list screen

The incidents are grouped by the data source. The user can search for incidents by all the fields shown on the incident list screen, including the affected table name, the parent schema of the table, and the columns used for incident grouping: data quality dimension, check category, check type or check name.

The incidents can be linked to 3rd party incident management systems, such as Jira, Azure DevOps or ServiceNow. Linking incidents is a manual operation, when the button in the Issue Link column is clicked, the url to the task in the 3rd party system should be added and saved. Incident linking can be also automated by calling the set_incident_issue_url operation from a Python code or by calling the DQOps REST API directly.

When a single incident is clicked, DQOps shows the incident detail screen. The url to this screen can be copied to the clipboard and send to another DQOps user, who can review the issue. Also, the link is shown in the Slack incident notifications.

Incident details screen

The incident management screens are described on the working with incidents and notifications page.

Incident notifications

DQOps supports automation of the incident workflows by using notifications. Please read the description of integrating incidents with other systems using webhooks.

Incident notifications configured for Slack will use formatted messages that are shown on the Slack channels as shown below.


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