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Last updated: April 09, 2024

Data quality results storage in DQOps

Read this guide to learn how DQOps stores data quality results locally, to enable even offline work, and monitoring on-premise or sensitive data sources.

Data format

In DQOps, sensor readouts and check results are stored as Apache Parquet files following the Apache Hive compatible folder tree, partitioned by the connection name, table name, and month. For example, check results for February 2023 for a single table would be stored in a file .data/check_results/c=bigquery-public-data/t=america_health_rankings.ahr/m=2023-02-01/rule_results.0.parquet.

The data files are stored locally in the .data subfolder inside the DQOps User Home folder. The DQOps User Home folder is the place on the disk where DQOps stores both the configuration files and the data result files.

The .data folder is organized as an offline Data Quality Data Lake, storing files in a Hive-compatible partitioning folder structure. DQOps synchronizes the files between the .data folder and a Data Quality Data Lake hosted as a DQOps Cloud SaaS platform. DQOps Cloud continuously refreshed the Data Quality Data Warehouse by loading the parquet data files that were uploaded to the DQOps Cloud Data Quality Data Lake (the files from the .data folder).

.data folder structure

The .data folder inside the DQOps User Home folder has the following structure.

  1. The data quality check results.
  2. The execution errors detected during the sensor's Jinja2 template rendering, running Python rules or returned by the data source when the query is executed.
  3. The data quality incidents which are groups of similar data quality issues (failed data quality checks) grouped into a single incident.
  4. The sensor readouts which are the captured metrics about the quality of the data source.
  5. Basic statistics about the data sources at a table and column level, including the top 10 most common values for each column.
  6. The .index folder is used internally by DQOps to track the synchronization status of local files with the DQOps Cloud Data Lake. This folder is not intended to be modified manually.

The .data folder contains subfolders with basic statistics (profiling), sensor readouts, check results, and error logs. Those folders are further organized into subfolders for specific connections, tables, and months. Each dataset contains parquet files that store compressed data in a columnar format. The detailed schema of each type of data table that is stored in the .data folder is documented in the reference section of the documentation.

The schema of the following tables is documented:

Table name Purpose Table folder and schema
check results The results of data quality checks, evaluated by data quality rules .data/check_results
errors Execution errors captured during the sensor rendering, rule evaluation or by running a query on the data source .data/errors
incidents Data quality incidents tracked by DQOps .data/incidents
sensor readouts Measures captured by data quality sensors .data/sensor_readouts
statistics Basic statistics about the data source, including column sample values .data/statistics

How data quality results are stored

Parquet tables

When a data quality check is run, DQOps runs the SQL query generated from the data quality sensor template on the monitored data source. The query results (called the sensor readouts in DQOps) are stored in the sensor_readouts Parquet table.

The sensor readouts are processed by data quality rules, identifying invalid data quality results. Each sensor readout row is copied to the check_results table, but additional columns such as the severity are added.

Otherwise, if the data quality SQL query fails to execute, or the data quality rule Python function fails, the error is stored in the errors table.

Sensor readout mapping

Let's suppose that the profiling_nulls_percent check is executed on the PostgreSQL database.

The SQL query generated by DQOps is shown below.

        WHEN COUNT(*) = 0 THEN 100.0
        ELSE 100.0 * SUM(
                WHEN analyzed_table."target_column" IS NULL THEN 1
                ELSE 0
        ) / COUNT(*)
    END AS actual_value, -- (1)!
    DATE_TRUNC('MONTH', CAST(LOCALTIMESTAMP AS date)) AS time_period, -- (2)!
FROM "your_postgresql_database"."<target_schema>"."<target_table>" AS analyzed_table
GROUP BY time_period, time_period_utc
ORDER BY time_period, time_period_utc
  1. Actual value returned by the data quality sensor, called the sensor readout. It is the measure captured by the data quality sensor.

  2. The time period for which the sensor readout is valid, using a local time zone of the monitored database. Profiling checks are truncating the date to the beginning of the month.

  3. The time period for which the sensor readout is valid, but converted to a UTC timestamp.

The data quality query captures the data quality measure captured from the data source, returned as an actual_value result column. This value is called a sensor readout across the DQOps reference documentation.

The additional columns that are captured are:

  • The time_period for which the sensor readout is valid, using a local time zone of the monitored database. Profiling checks are truncating the date to the beginning of the month.

  • The time_period_utc for which the sensor readout is valid, but converted to a UTC timestamp.

The result of the query is stored in the sensor_readouts Parquet table.

Additional sensor readout columns

The generated SQL query can also include the data grouping columns, such as grouping_level_1. Sample SQL queries generated with data grouping by column clauses are shown in the data grouping concept guide.

DQOps will also store information about the monitored data source, table, column, data quality check name, type, category, and dimension.


The rows in the sensor_readouts, check_results, and errors share common identity columns that identify each data quality result, and each time series stream.

Column Description Sample value
time_period The time period, for which the sensor readout is valid. The value may be truncated for some types of data quality checks. 2023-04-01T00:00:00
check_hash Hash code calculated from the data source (connection) name, schema name, table name, column name (optional) and the check name. 4907661392389800303
data_group_hash Hash code calculated from the data grouping level columns. 3432492748264648423
time_series_id Unique identifier of each time series, a time series is a collection of data quality results captured by the same data quality check (identified by the check_hash), for the same data group that is identified by the data_group_hash column. 441b8408-d34b-016f-19d0-ca77a4156fba
id Primary key of the row. Calculated as a hash value of the time_series_id, check_hash, and the time_period columns, that identify each data quality result within a time series by the time period. ef606aaf-dec8-5207-4d54-db2f5669c32d

DQOps de-duplicates results stored in the data quality data warehouse by overwriting previous results identified by the same id column value. This means that the result of executing the same data quality check again will overwrite the previous result. The behavior is further described for each type of data quality check.

Synchronization with DQOps Cloud

DQOps creates a separate Data Quality Data Warehouse for each DQOps Cloud account, not sharing any tables or databases between tenants. The Data Quality Data Warehouse is queried by a Looker Studio Community Connector provided by DQOps. The data quality dashboards that are visible in DQOps are presented as embedded, multi-tenant Looker Studio dashboards.

The local, offline copy of the Data Quality Data Lake enables multiple deployment options.

  • Hybrid deployment - an on-premise DQOps instance can monitor on-premise data sources without opening connectivity to a data source from the cloud

  • Anomaly detection on historic data - anomalies can be instantly detected by using historical data quality sensor readouts from previous dates

  • Anomaly detection with machine learning - Python data quality rules can train time series prediction models to detect non-obvious or seasonal anomalies in the data

DQOps Cloud license limits

The Data Quality Data Lake hosted by DQOps is a complimentary service provided for free for DQOps users using a FREE license.

A standalone DQOps instance that uses a FREE DQOps Cloud license is limited to synchronize the data quality results for up to 5 tables organized within one data source. DQOps will pick the first data source and will synchronizing the data for the first 5 tables.

If you need to synchronize more results to the DQOps Cloud Data Quality Data Lake, please contact DQOps sales.

Authentication with DQOps Cloud

DQOps local instance authenticates to DQOps Cloud using a DQOps Cloud Pairing API Key, which can be found on the page.

The DQOps Cloud Pairing API Key is stored in the DQOps user home/.localsettings.dqosettings.yaml file. The file does not need to be modified manually. DQOps automates the process of issuing and downloading the DQOps Cloud Pairing API Key in a secure way.

Open the DQOps Shell and type the command

> cloud login

DQOps will open a browser window, navigate to the, and download the pairing key.

Alternatively, if DQOps is started as a Docker container, and opening a browser window is not possible, it is also possible to pass the DQOps Cloud Pairing API Key using a parameter. Instead of using a parameter, the key can be passed by setting (and exporting) a DQO_CLOUD_API_KEY environment variable that holds the value of the DQOps Cloud Pairing API Key.

Synchronize from UI

DQOps tracks local file changes, comparing the list of files previously synchronized to DQOps Cloud with the current list of files. When any YAML, or .parquet file is saved, deleted or updated locally, DQOps detects the file change and changes the color of the Synchronize button to green.

Synchronize button status when local changes are present in DQOps

Press the Synchronize button to start the synchronization job. The progress of synchronization can be tracked in the job notification panel on the right of the Synchronize button. When no local changes are present, the button is white.

Synchronize button status when no local changes are present in DQOps

Only local changes are detected

DQOps only detects local changes. The button color is not aware of file changes pushed to the DQOps Cloud Data Lake from another DQOps instance.

In order to pull remote changes from the DQOps Cloud Data Lake, please start the synchronization job even if the button is white.

Synchronize from command-line

The synchronization can be triggered from the DQOps command line. The following commands are supported.

Command name Description
> cloud sync all Synchronizes all files between the local DQOps user home folder and the DQOps Cloud Data Lake.
> cloud sync data Synchronizes only parquet (data) files between the local DQOps user home/.data folder and the DQOps Cloud Data Lake.
> cloud sync sources Synchronizes only the configuration of data sources (YAML files) between the local DQOps user home/sources folder and the DQOps Cloud Data Lake.
> cloud sync sensors Synchronizes only the definition of custom data quality sensors (query templates) between the local DQOps user home/sensors folder and the DQOps Cloud Data Lake.
> cloud sync rules Synchronizes only the definition of custom data quality rules (Python functions) between the local DQOps user home/rules folder and the DQOps Cloud Data Lake.
> cloud sync checks Synchronizes only the definition of custom data quality checks (sensor and rule pairs) between the local DQOps user home/checks folder and the DQOps Cloud Data Lake.
> cloud sync settings Synchronizes only the configuration (setting) files between the local DQOps user home/settings folder and the DQOps Cloud Data Lake.
> cloud sync credentials Synchronizes only the shared credential files between the local DQOps user home/credentials folder and the DQOps Cloud Data Lake.

If you are planning to use an open-source version of DQOps, without synchronizing the data with DQOps, you can disable synchronization using the following commands. However, you will not have access to the data quality data warehouse, and the data quality dashboards will not work.

Command name Description
> cloud sync disable Disables synchronization of the DQOps user home folder and the data quality results with DQOps Cloud.
> cloud sync enable Enables synchronization of the DQOps user home folder and the data quality results with DQOps Cloud.

Automatic synchronization

DQOps automatically runs an initial synchronization when the application is started in a shell mode (without any commands to run and exit), or when DQOps is started in a server mode, using the dqo run command.

After DQOps is started, the synchronization is performed according to the CRON schedule configured in the --dqo.scheduler.synchronize-cron-schedule parameter.

FREE (community) version limits

The configuration of the minutes CRON component is ignored for the DQOps Cloud account using a FREE version. Instead, DQOps Cloud limits the synchronization frequency to one synchronization per hour at a randomly chosen time.

Trigger synchronization from DQOps Python client

Synchronization of a DQOps instance with the DQOps Cloud Data Lake can be also triggered using a DQOps Python client.

Please find the documentation of all parameters in the synchronize_folders command reference.

from dqops import client
from import synchronize_folders
from dqops.client.models import FileSynchronizationDirection, \

token = 'DQOps local API Key'

dqops_client = client.AuthenticatedClient(

request_body = SynchronizeMultipleFoldersDqoQueueJobParameters(


Push data quality results to a private cloud

The local Data Quality Data Warehouse is not limited to synchronization with the DQOps Cloud data lake. Each user can set up a secondary file synchronization process that would replicate all the files in the .data folder to a different location, using the user's owned S3 buckets, Storage Accounts, or Cloud Storage.

Because the files are organized as a Hive-compatible data lake, it is possible to synchronize the data files to any on-premise or cloud hosted data lake. The data files for each table should be registered as external tables. This architecture will allow you to build a private Data Quality Data Warehouse with custom data quality dashboards using any SQL engine that can query Hive-compatible external tables. To be precise, the files can be queried using Apache Hive, Apache Spark, DataBricks, Google BigQuery, Presto, Trino, SQL Server, Azure Synapse, Snowflake, AWS Athena, and AWS Redshift Spectrum.

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