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Last updated: April 09, 2024

DQOps data quality engine architecture

This guide shows the components of a DQOps environment, and what are the possible deployment options for a SaaS-hosted, on-premise, or hybrid environment.


DQOps is designed to support multiple deployment options, including both local development and multi-user production environments.

DQOps core components

The principal design idea behind DQOps is a great integration with DevOps and GitOps pipelines, without sacrificing simplicity of use for less technical users who favor managing data quality checks using a user interface, instead of editing YAML files. Technical users should be able to manage data quality check configuration at scale by changing YAML files in their editor of choice and version the configuration in Git. Non-technical users should be able to configure data quality checks from the browser.

DQOps implements its principal idea by separating the platform into four core components:

  • DQOps runtime - All-in-one data quality engine that contains both

    • an embedded web server hosting the user interface and the REST API for integration with external tools,
    • command-line shell interface for running commands.
  • DQOps user home - Local folder that stores the configuration of activated data quality checks and a local copy of all data quality results, enabling offline and hybrid deployment models. The data model is described in the Data storage documentation.

  • DQOps Cloud - DQOps hosted cloud backend for exposing data quality dashboards which has the following components:

    • Data Quality Data Lake - Storage buckets with a copy of the data quality check configuration and a copy of data quality results. Each user who created a DQOps Cloud account receives a private data lake.
    • Data Quality Data Warehouse - BigQuery external and native tables storing all data quality sensor readouts, data quality check results, errors, and incidents. A private BigQuery dataset is created for each user.
    • Data Quality Dashboards - Dashboards developed by DQOps that present data quality issues and KPIs. The dashboards are designed using Looker Studio. They are accessing the Data Quality Data Warehouse using a dedicated DQOps Looker Studio Community Connector.
  • Python client - The DQOps python client provides typed access to all operations supported by the DQOps user interface, enabling complex automation of all operations. The client supports:

    • running data quality checks from external tools,
    • importing metadata,
    • managing data quality results,
    • detecting the data quality status of monitored tables,
    • changing the configuration of data quality checks.
  • Looker Studio Dashboards - a set of data quality dashboards that are using a Looker Studio Community Connector for DQOps. The dashboards are accessing the Data Quality Data Warehouse.

Data quality platform components

DQOps local deployment as a Python package

The simplest way to start using DQOps as a local, standalone data quality tool is by starting it as a Python module. Despite that DQOps is mostly developed as a Java application based on Spring Boot, it is available also as a dqops PyPi package.

Once DQOps is installed from PyPI, it should be started by

python -m dqops

During the first start, DQOps will download the full DQOps distribution from DQOps releases on GitHub and will additionally download Java JRE 17.

The following diagram shows all DQOps core components in action:

DQOps deployment as a PyPi package

The DQOps local instance (in the middle of the diagram) is a running DQOps instance that references a local DQOps user home folder with the metadata, data quality check configuration, and results.

Internally, DQOps distribution uses another folder that contains the definition of built-in data quality checks, sensors, and rules. It is a local copy of the DQOps home source folder.

DQOps communicates with the DQOps Cloud, replicating the content of the DQOps user home folder to the Data Quality Data Lake. The parquet files with the data quality check results are then loaded to a Data Quality Data Warehouse and presented as embedded Looker Studio data quality dashboards inside the DQOps web interface.

DQOps local instance components

DQOps components working locally are described below, following the top-down order of components on the diagram.

DQOps home

DQOps home contains the definition of built-in data quality checks, sensors, rules, and dashboard configuration files. The folders in the DQOps home are:

  • $DQO_HOME/sensors - Jinja2 SQL templates for data quality sensors, these are SQL SELECT statements that capture metrics from monitored data sources, such as the row count on a table level or nulls count on a column level.

  • $DQO_HOME/rules - Python functions that are called by DQOps to verify metrics obtained by running sensor queries on the monitored data source.

  • $DQO_HOME/checks - YAML files that configure the mapping between a data quality sensor and a data quality rule. For example, a data quality check nulls-percent is a pair of the null_percent sensor and the max_percent rule. The definition of the default data quality checks in this folder cannot be modified to change the configuration of the data quality check (change the rule). They are provided for reference only and to allow creating similar custom checks in the DQOps user home/checks folder.

  • $DQO_HOME/settings - This folder contains the default list of the built-in data quality dashboards stored in the settings/dashboardslist.dqodashboards.yaml file. The original *dashboardslist.dqodashboards.yaml* file can be found on GitHub following the link.

  • $DQO_HOME/lib - Python engine entry point modules that render SQL queries from Jinja2 templates and evaluate the data quality rules. DQOps Java JVM runtime starts two Python processes to run the and the modules.

  • $DQO_HOME/bin - DQOps shell scripts and binary libraries required to start DQOps.

  • $DQO_HOME/jars - Java jar libraries for JDBC connectors that are not bundled and the DQOps combined jar library. These files are not found on GitHub and are found only in release packages.

DQOps engine

DQOps runs as a Java JVM process that starts two additional Python processes to run the Jinja2 template engine and call data quality rules as Python functions. DQOps java process also exposes an http web server. The default port is 8888, but it can be changed by setting the --server.port startup parameter.

DQOps user home

The DQOps user home folder (abbreviated as the $D.U.H) is the location where DQOps stores YAML metadata files, custom definitions for data quality checks and the data folders. You can find more detailed description of the DQOps user home folder here. DQOps uses the current working folder as the DQOps user home unless a different folder was specified by setting the $DQO_USER_HOME environment variable or passing a --dqo.user.home=<alternative_user_home_location> startup parameter.

The structure of the DQOps user home folder is fully described in the DQOps use home article.

Git repository

The DQOps user home folder can be integrated with a full DataOps process by pushing the content of the DQOps user home to a Git repository manually. The .gitignore file excludes folders that should not be stored in the code repository. The excluded folders are .data/, .credentials/, .logs/ and .index/.

DQOps Cloud

The cloud-hosted side of a DQOps deployment is responsible for hosting data quality dashboards. DQOps provides complimentary cloud infrastructure for users using a FREE DQOps license. The DQOps Cloud components are:

Data Quality Data Lake

Data Quality Data Lake is composed of two GCP storage buckets that store the configuration files and Parquet data files. DQOps local instance synchronizes files from the ./sources, ./sensors, ./rules, ./checks, ./settings and ./.credentials to the configuration bucket. All files from the ./.data folder are replicated to the second data bucket.

Data Quality Data Warehouse

Data Quality Data Warehouse is a private data quality data warehouse that is set up for each DQOps Cloud account. The warehouse uses the Parquet files that were replicated from the ./.data folder as external tables. DQOps Cloud continuously loads these parquet files (the data quality results) to BigQuery native tables. Direct access to the Data Quality Data Warehouse requires a DQOps Cloud ENTERPRISE license.

Data Quality Dashboards

DQOps provides Data Quality Dashboards over the most common data quality activities. The dashboards are developed with Google Looker Studio and access the customer's data quality data warehouse using a Looker Studio Community Connector provided by DQOps. The links and configuration parameters to the built-in dashboards are defined in the $DQO_HOME/settings/dashboardslist.dqodashboards.yaml file. Please check the data quality dashboard customization manual to learn how to change the built-in dashboards or add custom dashboards.

Please contact DQOps sales to discuss other deployment options, including on-premise installation.

DQOps client interfaces

DQOps provides various ways to interact with the system. The data quality engineers have a choice of using the user-friendly interface or edit the YAML files directly in a text editor.

User interface

Each DQOps instance starts an embedded web server that hosts the user interface locally. The user interface interacts with the DQOps REST API.

Command-line interface

When DQOps is started as a Python package in a console window, a cli mode is activated. The shell mode supports running various operations from the command line, especially importing metadata of data sources and running data quality checks. For a full documentation of all DQOPs cli commands follow the link.


The web server that is embedded in DQOps exposes REST API endpoints for all operations. The REST API can be used by external clients to run data quality checks. Additionally, when complex automation of all data quality activities is required, DQOps REST API can be used directly. A full description of all REST API operations is included in the DQOps Python Client documentation.

Python client

The dqops Python module contains a typed Python client that is a wrapper over the DQOps REST API. The source code of the module is available on GitHub for reference. The Python client can be integrated with additional tools, called from data pipelines or imported directly into a Notebook, to execute data quality checks directly using the run_checks function.

Apache Airflow operators

DQOps can be used in Airflow's DAGs using DQOps operators. The most important DQOps Airflow operators are listed below.

  • run_checks_operator that executes data quality checks as part of a DAG data pipeline. The operator can be executed before a data load operation to assess the quality of data sources and after the data loading operation to verify the loaded data. The DQOps operators can stop the data pipeline if any fatal severity data quality issues are detected.

  • assert_table_status_operator verifies the status of a source table that has already been analyzed for data quality issues as a separate process.

Direct file modifications

The files in the DQOps user home can be edited directly. Especially, DQOps provides the YAML file schema for the Visual Studio Code, enabling out-of-the-box code completion support for the connection.dqoconnection.yaml and the <schema_name>.<table_name>.dqotable.yaml table files.

DQOps depends on the file system change notification to detect file modifications. When a YAML file in the DQOps user home is modified by the user or as a result of a git pull command, DQOps detects the change and invalidates a copy of the file in the in-memory cache instantly.

Production deployment as a Docker container

For long-running production deployment, DQOps should be started as a Docker container. The dqops/dqo docker image can be pulled directly from Docker Hub.

The Docker deployment diagram does not differ much from running DQOps locally as a Python module.

DQOps deployment in Docker

The following command will start DQOps as a docker container:

docker run -d -v .:/dqo/userhome -p 8888:8888 dqops/dqo run

The only important differences are:

  • DQOps user home folder must be mounted as a volume to the /dqo/userhome folder inside the container.

  • The web server port 8888 must be exposed from the container using the -p 8888:8888 parameter.

  • DQOps should be started in a headless mode (without the command-line shell). Starting DQOps in a server mode is activated with the run command.

  • the DQOps Cloud Pairing API Key must be given ahead of time in the parameter because DQOps will not be able to ask the user to log in to DQOps Cloud when the command-line interface is disabled. The DQOps Cloud Pairing API Key is found on the page.

For detailed steps required to start DQOps as a docker container, please read the run dqo as a docker container manual.

Local and hybrid deployment components

DQOps SaaS and hybrid deployments

Paid instances of DQOps can fully utilize all DQOps Cloud features, including support for user roles, SSO integration, and hybrid deployments.

DQOps deployment without a SaaS hosted DQOps instance is shown below.

DQOps on-premise deployment

The additional components shown in this diagram are the DQOps SaaS Servers that provide the user management and the data quality data warehouse management operations.

Hybrid deployments

Paid DQOps subscriptions offer a DQOps instance hosted in the DQOps cloud. The DQOps cloud instance can cooperate with additional on-premise instances that are synchronizing with the shared DQOps Cloud Data Lake.

A hybrid deployment is presented below.

DQOps Cloud hybrid deployment

A cloud-hosted VM running the DQOps instance is hosted in the cloud by DQOps. The users authorized to use the instance are redirected to the DQOps Cloud login page to authenticate. It is also possible to configure a custom OpenID connector to authenticate through the customer's login page.

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